مدونة المصلي >> Other

Whoever Sacrifices something for Allah, He Shall Raise His mention till the Day of Judgment!

Whoever Sacrifices something for Allah, He Shall Raise His mention till the Day of Judgment!

Ibn Kathir, may Allah have mercy on Him said: al-Bayhiqi narrated from al-Rabae that he said: al-Shafae' sent me from Egypt with a message to Ahmed ibn Hanbal. I came to him after he finished praying Fajr. I gave him the message. He said: Did you read it? I said: No! He took it and read it, and he wept. I said to him: O Abu Abdullah, what is in the message? He said: He tells me that He saw Allah's Messenger, Peace Be upon Him, in a dream and he said to him: Write to Abi Abdullah Ahmad ibn Hanbal and greet him for me, and tell him 'You will be tested and pushed to say that al-Quran was created, but do not obey them. Allah shall raise your mention till the Day of Judgment.' Al-Bedayah wal Nahaya (365/10)


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