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Seeking Closeness to Allah: The Virtues and Blessings of Nafl Prayers

Seeking Closeness to Allah: The Virtues and Blessings of Nafl Prayers

In Islam, the five daily prayers are the cornerstone of a Muslim's practice. However, there exists another category of prayers, voluntary acts of worship known as Nafl prayers. These optional prayers offer a beautiful opportunity to draw closer to Allah (SWT) and increase one's good deeds.

 The Essence of Nafl Prayers

The word "nafl" translates to "supererogatory" or "additional."  Nafl prayers are not obligatory, but they hold immense significance. The Prophet Muhammad () said:

“The most beloved of prayers to Allah are the voluntary (nafl) prayers.” (Musnad Ahmad)

This Hadith highlights the special place Nafl prayers hold in Allah's sight. They are a way to express our love and devotion beyond the obligatory acts.

Quranic Encouragement for Nafl Prayers

While there's no specific verse mandating Nafl prayers, the Quran emphasizes the importance of establishing prayer. Allah (SWT) says:

“Guard strictly five times of prayer (Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha) and the optional prayer [Salat-ul-Awwabin] near the two ends of the day (after Asr and before Maghrib) and part of the night. Please Allah, you will enter Paradise.” (Quran 7:170)

This verse, though mentioning specific times for voluntary prayers, encourages the act of additional prayers throughout the day and night.

Hadith on the Rewards of Nafl Prayers

The Prophet () emphasized the immense rewards associated with Nafl prayers. Here are a few Hadiths that illustrate this:

“Whoever prays twelve rak'ahs during the day and night, voluntarily, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)

“The two rak'ahs of dawn are better than the world and everything in it.” (Sahih Muslim)

These Hadiths highlight the potential for increased blessings and rewards in the afterlife for those who make Nafl prayers a part of their daily routine.

Types of Nafl Prayers

There are numerous Nafl prayers one can perform. Here are a few common examples:

Sunnah prayers: These are voluntary prayers performed before or after the obligatory prayers.

Tahajjud prayer: Night prayers offered in the last third of the night, known for their spiritual significance.

Duha prayer: Voluntary prayers performed any time after sunrise, preferably between mid-morning and before Dhuhr prayer.

Tahiyyat al-Masjid: Two-rakaat prayer offered upon entering a mosque.


Nafl prayers are a beautiful gift for those seeking to strengthen their connection with Allah (SWT). They offer a chance to express gratitude, seek forgiveness, and increase our good deeds. While not mandatory, incorporating Nafl prayers into our daily routine can significantly enhance our spiritual journey. Remember, consistency is key. Start small, find Nafl prayers that resonate with you, and gradually increase your practice as you seek nearness to Allah (SWT).


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